Monday, March 14, 2011

Will Hand Writing Disappear

With the advance in technology and all of the gadgets like smartphones, tablets, netbooks, and your traditional laptops and desktops, will handwriting disappear?  It seems that the youth of our country can text faster than they can write and more efficient with their own abbreviated language.  For as long as I can remember, colleges require all papers to be typed.  With high schools, middle schools and more and more elementary schools moving to a 1 to 1 environment, it makes me think that the hand writing is becoming obsolete.  Even in my life, I usually write down a grocery list, but my smartphone has a app for that.  Knowing how to write is still  imperative since it is really the way tweens, teens, young adults, and adults communicate in our digital society.  For many people, why even talk on the phone, when you can send a text message?  All of this combined with a push to "paperless" society to save money and the environment makes you wonder if hand writing will disappaer.

1 comment:

  1. Georgia Performance Standards have removed the requirement to teach cursive writing in elementary school. It is considered enrichment. I teach middle school and already students can not read cursive well and definitely prefer manuscript. Calligraphy is an art form, maybe cursive writing is headed for the same fate.
